#1 Classical Guitar Album CD (2007) SIGNED

#1 Classical Guitar Album CD (2007) SIGNED
#1 Classical Guitar Album CD (2007) SIGNED
#1 Classical Guitar Album CD (2007) SIGNED
Product image 1#1 Classical Guitar Album CD (2007) SIGNED
Product image 2#1 Classical Guitar Album CD (2007) SIGNED
Product image 3#1 Classical Guitar Album CD (2007) SIGNED

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This was the 2007 best-selling classical guitar album in Canada and features some of the best loved and most famous pieces in the Classical Guitar repertoire. Sean also insisted on the inclusion of recent Rock n Roll Hall of Fame inductee Randy Rhoads' classical guitar masterpiece "Dee" alongside selections by Bach, Tárrega, Albéniz and masters.


Suite for Solo Cello No. 1 in G Major / BWV 1007: Prelude in G Major / Romanza de Amor / Kemp's Gigue, Cantata No. 147 'Herz Und Mund Und Tat Und Leben' BWV 147 (BC A174) / Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring / Asturias Prélude Espagnol / Classical Gas / Lady Hunsdon's Almain (Lady Hunsdon's Puffe) for Lute P 54 / Suite for Lute in E minor BWV 996 (BC L166) / Bourée in E minor / Greensleeves Folk Song / Prelude for Lute in C minor BWV 999 (BC L171) / Cavatina (From 'The Deer Hunter') / Prelude for Guitar No. 8 in a Minor 'Lágrima' / Recuerdos de la Alhambra for Guitar / Estudio for Guitar No. 1 in E minor / a. 235/1, Julia Florida for Guitar / Lady Laiton's Almain for Lute P 48 / Grand Sonata for Guitar &, Violin in a Major Op. 35 Ms 3: Romance, / Dee /Adelita Mazurka for Guitar / Prelúdio for Guitar No. 4 in E minor a. 419/4, Sunburst for Guitar

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